Thursday, August 15, 2013

Practical Life Skills

Cooking lunch.

L.J. is back.
Later that night, we babysat sisterfriend's daughter for their 14 year anniversary.

Emailing bd Mongolian Grill.

Asking questions after a First Aide class at the library.

Box scrapping the driveway after torrential rains.

Picking the garden

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fascinating Chipping In

To help the boys with their desire to have pets we have no room for, are too exotic for us to care for right now and Fireball Coyote's desire to be an animal rescue person.  We had our first day of volunteering.
The boys helped pass out the water to the birds.

Refilled water containers.

Watered the duck, chickens, guinea, & goose.

Raw eggs just laid that morning.

Visiting Dakota.

The owner thought she'd help and get a picture without the fence in it.
But all she kept getting was the backside.

The newest member at the house.
One of Pumpkin's favorites!

Changing the newspaper and fresh water.

Fireball Coyote was in a different room working with a hedgehog, chinchilla, sugar glider and other animals.

One of the chinchilla's getting exercise.

He's trying NOT to smile!
Holding one of the baby snakes from the pregnant  Dumeril's Boa.

Till the next visit.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Old Cardinal Gem Mine, Franklin NC

Right after Pumpkin's swim test we went with my "sisterfriend" to Franklin, NC to go gemmin'!

The boys both wanted 'stocked' buckets.

My sisterfriend and I had "Natural" buckets.

Both boys wound up with a NICE ziplock bag full of gems!

The gems we could find in some of the buckets.

Then she let the boys sign the wood to say they were there.

Pumpkin's stash.

(yeah. I took them all. I wasn't taking any chances!)

Fireball Coyote's.
 Sisterfriend liked this place better than another place she gemmed at.  She said this place was cleaner, friendlier, and more fun.  The boys and I had a great time.  Pumpkin even asked if we could go back monthly!  Not sure about that, but we WILL be back!

The boys have been into Rolblox and Pumpkin came up with a skeleton head he wants to do for a base.

Pumpkin got a thread box to sort his gems into.
We need 2 he has so many.

Fireball Coyote has been BIG TIME into watching Ninjago on DVD from the library.

Swim Lessons, Self and Life Rescue

Fireball Coyote's swim 'test'.

 PASSED! :-) 

Working some puzzles.

Grass cutting.

Trying our hand at homemade gnocchi!
It wasn't too bad.

Fireball Coyote LOVES it when dad shaves him.
 Pumpkin on the other hand could careless.

Playing AJ

A cool math work.  You can put your finger on the black area and it will 'move' with the warmth of your hand to reveal the answer.  Fireball Coyote was really getting into this!

'Nough said.

Pumpkin's turn for swim lessons with life rescue taught too.
His favorite thing to do ~ dive.

Making a chain to rescue someone in the deep end.

 (This should be) Pumpkin learning how to rescue himself fully clothed!

How to use a jug or something that will float to toss out and rescue someone.

 PASSED! :-)
Till next year!