Thursday, May 3, 2012

Well, this weekend was filled with me sitting in the sun trying to get rid of 4 Leap Day kittens, two went. (Yippee!) Along with putting the consignors numbers and item price in the computer.  Pumpkin also got a "new" mountain bike. (I had a picture, not sure what the kids did with the camera though. (sigh)  So, needless to say the past few days have been filled with riding the new bike.

 Yesterday I was putting strawberry puree in the freezer - Popsicles, yogurt dipped strawberries, strawberry puree drops, and some to make icee's.  As I was doing this there was wrestling going on in the other room.
Ahhh, the joys of boys.
Today, they have been on National Geographic's  Animal Jam.  They do need to "write out a check" to be on it.  Pumpkin realized today that he was doing spelling on there typing to "friends".  LOL. (Go me!)  Sometimes they read the information when doing the AJ books on the pages.  There is a book that the kids can find creatures to fill their book and get a "prize" for their dens.

Fireball Coyote has been having fun with his baseball and improving with each game.  When you watch him on the field you can see him mind going like he's a big baseball star.  It's funny to watch all the leaps and spins as he's in outfield.

Tomorrow is a scheduled Alpaca field trip with the homeschoolers.  Should be fun. Lots of various animals are there.  Can't wait to post pictures.  Now to find that camera!!!

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