Monday, August 27, 2012

Hanging Out

This past week has been filled with PBS Kid Shows, soccer practice, Lego's, Pumpkin started Latin lessons again, hummingbirds, stars, fire building, and marshmallows, and a glass bottle experiment.

We've had practice twice a week so far; weather permuting.

 On Wednesday, I was luckily enough to get breakfast in bed and ...

 A story! :-)
Fireball Coyote read me Stanley, by Syd Hoff.

 The boys have been using their imagination all week with the Lego's and came up with ...
"Green Super, Green Police, 'Custom Made Green Ninja', The Fang Blades, The Green Ninja."
 All colored with Sharpie.

On Friday, August 24th., I had had it and after we picked out a few "need now" things from Walmart I said, "O.K., you have $40.  Choose what we eat this week." So, the boys had full control of the meals this week.  It was a bit hard for them to figure out what to get, but they did it, for the most part.  They even figured out how to buy a koi fish, too.
Later, in the early evening, we went to a friend house for a few hours to hang out, talk, play, and such.  We all had a blast!

On Saturday the 25th, Pumpkin went to Science Lab and learned about hummingbirds.  He also made
Just this morning we spotted a hummingbird at it!!!!  :-)

 Saturday night was bon fire night. 

Roasting marshmallows.

 We did a science experiment with glass bottles.  They boys were wondering what would happen to them if we put them in the fire.  So we put them at the bottom in the ashes.

The next day the bottles had cracked.  Hubby was surprised it was hot enough to do that.

 Last week Friday, August 17th. we did go to Roper Mountain Science Center and watch the star show, then rode the Mars Roller Coaster.

This weeks line up so far is running around town, soccer practices, bird sitting, maybe a lunch date, Latin, and two dentist appointments ~ Woohoo.  ;-)  Bring the week on.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekend Fun

On Friday, August 17th we had a picnic lunch with friends then went to Oconee Heritage Museum

Played at the park after we ate.

Signed in at the museum.

Had fun looking for all the piggy banks that "mommy piggy" lost.

Some old butter churns.

At the end there is a "dress-up" area where some one had FUN!!!

And some one got silly!!!

"I'm a colonel in the Army."

The canoe is under water to help preserve it.  It was too hard to get a picture of :-(
We just happened to be there on Appalachian Story Time.

The craft after the story ~ chalk boards or doorknob hanger.

We also met some new friends to hang out with! YIPEE!!!   They are unschoolers too! BONUS!!!

On Saturday the boys painted their "niece’s" birthday gift.
Pumpkin did the paw print all by himself.

I taped off her initials for Fireball Coyote to paint.
 On the way back from our Friday Field Trip, there was a local guy selling shrimp on the side of the road.  I bought 2 lbs, heads and all.  Saturday was time to shell them & cook them ~ YUMMY!!!!!!

I pinched their heads off and shelled them.  Then Fireball Coyote cut the vein out.

After dinner we planted our fall seeds.

We planted sugar snaps, lettuce mixture, and carrots.

 Sunday was party time!!!
There was a ring toss game, ball toss and scavenger hunt.

 Yummy candy was a prize and we all know what happens when one eats Sugar Daddy's ...

You pull out a lose tooth!!!
That night was STEELERS time!!!!  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Up & Running ~ WooHoo!!

Well, we managed to get back on line, however, this computer is not accepting disks to load pictures. :`-(     However, just now, I tired hooking up the cameras and loading the pictures & guess what ?!?!! It worked!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, to figure out how to get the printer to work!!!!!

Since my last big post about BeleChare, we have been faithful watchers of the Olympics, for what seems 24/7.  We have just antenna TV, but it's been all Olympics, with the occasional news, kid show, Rifleman, and M*A*S*H.  The boys worked on their mathematical mind building Lego's, "cleaned" their bedroom since a friend/brother was coming for a week.  The boys had a great time working on their train set.

 Later that night, Thursday, August 2, 2012 we (all of us!!! dad included!) went to Roper Mountain Science Center to watch a movie about astronauts from SC and hear Astronaut Charles Duke speak.

In this one he's describing his mission to the moon!

We had such a great time and learned so much from him!!!  Later the following week, the boys found a program on their computers that shows all the moon landings, they were ecstatic!!!

On Saturday, August 4, I went to Charlotte, NC for a homeschoolers conference.  It was fun, educational, and interesting.  It was hosted buy Homeschool Alliance of NC Inc. HA-NC and called Love to Learn.   It was different in many ways to all the other conferences I go to and have attended in the past.  It was cheaper!, you didn't have to 'sign up' for classes, you just walked in or out to meet your needs, you received a copy of Everyone's handouts in a book, no one told me when I came back, "We don't do that here" or " I think we should do it this way" or "the kids understand it this way better" or anything that killed my excitement form the conference.  I felt more confident in what I am doing with my boys now and have some ideas that I'd like to try.  If I get there great if not, there's always later.  I'm looking forward to next years already!

On Saturday, August 4th, Pumpkin was really been into playing MineSweeper on his computer.  Then he got the idea to make a grid and see where the bombs were and if they where they moved to the next few games.

I was really impressed with his thought process on this! 

Sunday the 5th, was a stressful day for Fireball Coyote & me.  He was SO excited to have his "brother" (a good friend from his old school who moved 3 hrs. away) come to stay for a week.  Fireball Coyote wanted him at our house right away, but "Cole"'s mom said we'd meet at 5PM.  (ugh!) Fireball went from excited to mad in a flash.  I tried to help him by suggesting to make Jell-o, but he ran hot & cold.  It became so draining I needed a nap.  We met them at 5 PM, had ice cream and the kids played at bit at McD's.  Then the fun started! ;-)

For the next week I had 3 boys doing Animal Jam on the computer daily, watching Olympics daily, working with Lego's daily, having pillow fights, fighting in general, riding bikes many days, watching PBS Kids: Arthur, Wild Kratts, Curious George, Cyber Chase, Rifleman, M*A*S*H, news, MeTV's Batman and going to the creek and discovering


"Cole" had summer homework he brought with him and his mom said it was up to us if we got to anything or not.  I noticed that he had the scholastic book Freedom on the Menu - The Greensbouro Sit Ins by, Carole Boston Weatherford.  I had Pumpkin & "Cole" read it together, Pumpkin was surprised he was struggling with some words, so "Cole" took over.   Then I had them look at "Cole's" homework sheet while "Cole" worked on it.  

On Tuesday the 7th, we had a homeschooling playdate and field trip planning meeting.
 The kids played, the mom's chatted, we ate lunch.

On Wednesday, all 3 boys drove me crazy!!!  They were arguing, wild, refusing to go outside, made the monster in me come out ~ Ugh!  It was nuts in the house between TV, Lego's, playing a made up game they called "Cats", trying to help my M-I-L with her computer, AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!  Later that night dad took them for a tractor ride, the silence was golden!  To help Fireball Coyote & "Cole" calm down that night I had them read "Cole's" math homework, Math for all Seasons by, Greg Tang.  Fireball Coyote tried taking over "Cole's" reading and figuring out of the problems, then backed off.  When I explained "Cole's" homework sheet to him, Fireball Coyote wanted one too.  They worked on them together the best they could.

On Thursday, August 9th, we had another playdate, with old classmates we saw at the Charles Duke gathering.  It was very nice!!! They kids ride bikes, played on the playground, and we had a picnic lunch.

"Cole" in the background & one hot & tired Pumpkin.

The boys later that night had Kids Club at our neighbor's church.  They LOVE going there every month to listen to the Bible story/ skit, sing the songs, play & eat pizza and dessert.
(By now, everyone is getting very tired and sleeping ok, not well and nerves are starting to thin, but not show, yet.)

On Friday, August 10th, we went to another friends house from the old school, Pumpkin's Latin friend.  They all swam in their new pool, it's Beautiful!!! Ate lunch, rode bikes down to the lake & back to the house then swam again, ate dinner, dried off & came inside to play DS2 & watch CARS2.  We all had a BLAST!!!

On Saturday, all the boys were getting tired of each other and started doing their own thing - TV. outside, Lego's, and such.  Mid afternoon, dad took them all fishing (Yeah! More Peace & Quiet!!!) They came back in time for dinner, watch some TV then bed.

Sunday, August 12th, "Cole's" mom & dad came and got him in the late morning/ early afternoon.  They all had one last tractor ride, bike ride, and frog hunt before they arrived.  All in all it wasn't that bad of a week.  We had fun, learned new things, tried new things and grew from all of it.  Looking forward to next year's week visit already!

 Later that afternoon/ early evening we (dad, Pumpkin, Fireball Coyote, & me) all went to the fishing pond and fished.
Pumpkin's 1st catch, a catfish.

Fireball Coyote's 1st catch, a baby bass.

Inside a bass's mouth, for those of you who have never seen inside one. (my fish.)

Learning to bait a hook.

My bobber that was stolen by a turtle?!?

NO!!! You sneaky thing, you!!!

The culprit!!!! 

LOVE that tongue action!!!

Come here let me give you a kiss!!!!!

 Opie wanna be's ;-)
 When we got back it was Closing Ceremony time for the Olympics the rest of the night.

This week the boys have gotten back into their daily things ~ Lego's, the train set, PBS Kid shows, a small bike ride - that just included a tadpole, and now Pumpkin has just started soccer practice, with Fireball Coyote to start close behind.

Helping in the garden.

Sunflower head from the garden.

I like those golden drops there.

Yesterday, we made needed to make a mayo run.  We came across this at our local store
Smithfield's Race Car

Pumpkin said,"Look mom I can touch his teeth."
"Yes, you can also pick his nose too," I said.
Thus, resulting in the picture.

Today is more PBS Kids, bikes and Lego's
Side view.

Top left - Fireball Coyote's dragon, top center - his ship, top right Pumpkin's ship
Bottom center - Pumpkin's snake, bottom right - Pumpkin's alligator that can do a Death Roll.
The boys also have been writing to penpals in England.  It will be interesting to hear their view on the Olympics.  I know in one email I got they got stuck in traffic going back to their house and was shocked by it all.

Tonight ~ me yoga, Pumpkin soccer practice. Tomorrow ~ a trip to Oconee Heritage Center in the afternoon then R.M.S.C. at night for star gazing and a Mars Roller Coaster Ride.

Lovin' every minute of it!!! :-)