Friday, May 23, 2014

Wrapping Up The Year

One thing I forgot to mention in the past few posts is that Pumpkin (and kind-of Fireball Coyote) are in to yo-yo-ing. YES! The yo-yo is back!  Mom is LOVING it! It goes easy on a pocket, or the extra one  in my purse. Keeps them entertained. Has math and science properties.  Most of all Is Fun.  :-)   GO YO-YO!

Monday late afternoon was martial arts time.

Tuesday, the boys worked in the morning with their animal friends. Then it was Xbox and computer time.

On Wednesday, they had their last Latin class till fall. Fireball Coyote wasn't feeling well and napped when we got home for two hours.  Dad and Pumpkin yo-yo-ed.  Later in the night we watched Nature's The Gathering Swarm.  Pumpkin said he was going to have nightmares.  Some of it was creepy!  Then Nova's Bombing Hitler's Dams.

Thursday was cleaning day.  It also happened to be drive mom up a wall day, too.  The cleaning came in spurts with LOTS of fighting, bickering, yelling and screaming, ... and more. My nerves were shot.

Friday at Roper Mountain was Homeschool Day.  

The boys did a fossil dig.

The spent the most time here, I think out of the whole day.

Comparing the wing span of an albatross.  

Grinding corn for the chicken at the farm.

Having a lesson at the 1900 schoolhouse.

A picnic lunch with out martial arts friends.

Pumpkin getting ready to make a ping-pong ball launcher.

While Fireball Coyote makes a chicken clucker.

At one point after this picture, Pumpkin cut his own finger.
It wasn't too bad, and he just thought about if his fingers were safe before he cut.
Then he saw blood.
It took a bit to get it to stop, but he was fine.

Finished product.

Them he moved on to the ping-pong shooter.

Just missed.

This one made it in the cup.

There was Ipad apps the kids could try. 

They both enjoyed Electric Box 2 SO much they
begged dad to download it on his phone.
He did.  :-)

We were going to go to the Scottish day parade,
but changed our minds after the days events.
So, I let them unwind when we got home on the computer and Xbox.
Tomorrow we sleep in (YEAH!).  Then go to a movie at Easley  library to see the Muppets (YES!).  Then it will be grocery shopping and who knows what else.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

This Past Week In May

Was Mother's Day and a nice Brunch at Tucker's. YUM!  We later that evening discovered  Fox TV's Cosmos: A Space Odyssey.
Our week was slow going till Friday.  We were to pick strawberries, but things didn't work out in the morning to do that.   :-(
However, the afternoon brought the last 4h sew club for a few months.  Then on to the Greek Food Fest in Greenville.  The boys have not been to St. George's since they were babies.

We started with a tour of the church.
They were reluctant at first, but really enjoyed it and learned something too.  ;-)
 Then it was on to dinner. A TOTALLY new experience for them, Greek food.  The boys had Pastichio (P "it's ok" FC LOVED it), (P) Spanakopita ("Needs tomatoes"), and (FC) Tiropita ("Yuck"!).  I had Athenian Chicken, Greek Potatoes, and Spanakopita.  Then it was on to the desserts! With many to go.
While we were eating all I heard from Fireball Coyote was "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"
"For what?"
"For all of THIS! It's ... It's ... It's Amazing!"
:-) Go Mom!  :-)
After eating we watched some dancers.
Then got dad a Gyro and the boys some small souvenirs.

Fireball Coyote was my mirror and gas man.
Saturday, Pumpkin went to work with dad and helped out.  Fireball Coyote and I went grocery shopping, then to a book signing for Safe Haven. ( I like this link about it too.) Later that night we played the game Sorry Fire and Ice.

we hung out on the computer till early evening.
Pumpkin cut grass and Fireball Coyote rode his bike.
Then we watched Fox's Cosmos: A Space Odyssey.

There was a conversation between the boys, Monday morning, that went pretty much like this ~

(FC) Pumpkin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I am mean to you, beat you up sometimes and things. I don't know why I do it, but I'm sorry.  I love you.

(P) Sometimes there are things in life that are annoying and you love them the most. And I love you.  I'd miss you and be lonely without you.

I have to say, my heart smiled at that moment.  I was nervous where the conversation would lead, but I think it ended well. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

The First Few May Days

Pumpkin and I started the month with soccer practice,
and Fireball Coyote getting a day approved by dad.  While we were at practice Fireball made a pin for his tractor.

The next day was 
A playdate at the Greenville Downtown Airport's playground.

The evening brought the last soccer game this season with a loss.  :-(

Saturday was consignment shopping, Walmart, and Pumpkin's soccer party.

"And our newest member. Who I believe only spoke three words all season," says Coach.
(Yep. That's my Pumpkin.)

Looking proud :-)

We started 'summer' martial arts in the late afternoons  every other week now.


A poisonous snake on the path.
I had little L.J. that day and had to leave the boys there.  They went on to do canoeing, a hike and rifle.

Then I showed them Pretty Place Chapel.
The next 3 shots Pumpkin took.

Often times I will find the boys outside chatting away.

We are still taking our "other boys" to RMSC. This day was space day.
Talking with a Challenger One teacher.

Flight simulation.

Pumpkin learning about me meteorites from an amateur collector.
Making straw airplanes. 

Fireball Coyote launching foam rockets in the background.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!

Shooting the straw-rocket.

Off it goes!

Pumpkin asking if weaving is hard.

Another flight simulator. 

Watching the guy fly his plane upside down and backwards, literally. 

Then we saw a movie about Astronauts. 
After it was lunch and again Xbox and computer games.