To get ready for our Homeschooler party, on Monday, we cooked and did our "school" computer work. Nothing like cooking in your pj's, chef jacket and hat.
While Fireball Coyote made Jello- Jigglers, Pumpkin did math work on the computer.
Then we switched. Fireball Coyote did "his thing" on the computer and Pumpkin made Red Velvet Ice Cream Cone Cakes.
We decided to not ice the cupcakes, but put the sprinkles on top and bake. (Less sugar for the kids.)
Turned out not as well as I thought. So next time sprinkles in the batter.
Jigglers came out ok.
Valentine's Day
It's Tuesday and our homeschooler group art class and Valentine's Day party. Today they started their paintings.
Look at that concentration. :-) |
This is as far as the "barn" people got Tuesday. |
Here's what all the kids worked on.
Our I Spy Jars were a hit! |
The boys agreed it beat any school Valentines party they ever did! :-)
Today, so far we have heard and read stories on
Fireball Coyote chose the animal section, since today was his educational computer time. He read two books ( :-) yeah!) and heard two books. I told him, "Have to read BEFORE you listen". ;-)
Later, the boys found the Audubon Birds I have bought them in the past. I gave them the ides of making a tree and having a place for the birds to sit for them. They literally ran outside to get started.
amazing how much "little" and educational things "pop-up" in the day and you don't realize it till later or not at all. For example, I was looking at my Facebook page and a friend posted a picture of the Chief of the Kayapo tribe crying at a "city council" meeting. I was asked about the picture by Pumpkin and soon Fireball Coyote joined us. I explained how the tribe was being forced out because the government decided to build a hydroelectric dam. We talked about where this was (S.A., Amazon), what would happen (rain forest plants, animals, and people gone) and what some think will happen (more electricity, better jobs, more industry, etc.). I tried to explain that there is two sides to every story and show them both sides. Pumpkin was more into the conversation than Fireball Coyote was and he decided they shouldn't build the dam.
This isn't what I saw on FB, but here's one link to read about it.
The "little" things can turn out to be BIG things and shape morals and values in people and you may not even realize it.
After lunch, we took a walk around our town doing odds and ends earns. When we came back they worked more on their bird project. Dinner. Then our PBS shows tonight: Nature: The Himalayas, Nova: Extreme Cave Diving, and then Cave People of the Himalayas.
In addition, we have been receiving post cards from other people around the USA. (Got one today.) There is a blog I get and the lady asked for 50 people from each state to send a postcard to everyone else on the list. (She wound up making two lists.) Now, we will get 49 postcards and to learn about each state. So far we have received California, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, and New Hampshire. We read the information on the back and talk about what area in the US they are.
Homeschooling Rocks!